Contact Person
Organisation Address
Northern Neurological Alliance
C/o Bensham Hospital
United Kingdom
54.94512374753, -1.6153935005739
The Northern Neurological Alliance (NNA) is a regional charity which represents the needs and concerns of people living with neurological conditions and their carers to providers and commissioners of NHS and Social Care services as well as the general public.
We do this in several ways: Campaign for improved services in line with the quality standards in the National Service Framework (DH 2005) which include amongst its requirements: person centred care, early referral and diagnosis, early and specialist rehabilitation Offer education and awareness training to GPs, Community Matrons and Nurses and non specialist front line staff Offer support to people with neurological conditions to take control of their condition and make informed choices about the care so that they can live well Advocate self management to reduce the roller coaster journeys to hospital and specialised care owing to lack of awareness of their condition The organisation is a registered company and charity and we will be holding our first AGM this November.
Our most recent achievements include: two reports for the North and South of Tyne PCTs on patient views of the services they have received; several focus groups to enable individuals to think about how to take better control of their condition and their lives; a DVD demonstrating the impact of living with a neurological condition.
New projects include: identifying the skills required of carers to support people with living neurological conditions in their homes or in residential care. The NNA is a member of the North East Neurosciences Network (NENN) and together with our sister charity, TVDNY, the three organisations manage a Partnership website: and where you can find more information on our organisation