Contact Person

Corinne Lewis-Ward

Organisation Address

Creative Heritage Studsio CiC
John Marley Center
Muscott Grove
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE15 6TT
United Kingdom

54.976531521025, -1.687203347683

Our mission is to deliver projects exploring how culture and commercial activity coexist without compromising cultural quality and values. We understand the essential part that arts and culture play in society and seek to create sustainable opportunities for creativity to thrive.

Old funding models are crumbling. Therefore, our key focus is to find new ways of bringing creativity to wider audiences while also supporting creative communities in developing financial autonomy without compromising their ethics and creative practice.

We are also committed to having a positive social impact with the work that we do, our priority is to the cultural community we are part of. However, due to our Director Corinne Lewis-Ward’s unique lived experience of working across the cultural, social impact and corporate sectors, we are passionate about facilitating positive and robust partnerships within our network.

Furthermore, our social impact work also supports the next generation of neurodiverse creatives by exploring opportunities within the cultural sector and providing neurodivergent-friendly public engagement projects.

If you work within any of these sectors and would like to work with us on an individual project or a long-term basis please get in touch. You can find out more about how you can work with us here.

Areas covered