Contact Person
Organisation Address
Whickham Photographic Club
Whickham Community Centre
Front Street
NE16 4JL
United Kingdom
54.9452752, -1.6825988
Interested in Photography: This could be for You. Whickham Photographic Club
How long have we been going? What is our membership?
Founded in 1973, Whickham Photographic Club members have a wide range of interests and expertise from novices to professionals. Current membership is approximately 50+ age range from 90 with ladies making up about a quarter of membership.
What do we do and when do we do it?
Our Photography Season runs from September to May, with members getting together throughout the year for occasional photography trips and outings. The club’s core activity is the Friday evening meeting where doors open at 7:15 for a 7:30 start.
With a programme of lectures, demonstrations and competitions, club members are invited to compete for certificates and trophies, take part in regional inter-club competitions and enter some international salons. A popular event is individual members showing work to the group where comment and critique can be requested. We host some fantastic lectures and presentation visits by well-known amateur and professional photographers from around the UK and usually jointly host at least one speaker with the Royal Photographic Society each year.
Some of our evenings are open to members of other clubs. End of season highlight is the annual public exhibition of members’ work; with Print and Digital Projection How can I improve my photography with WPC? On practical nights members share their skills and learn from one another, on outings there is always the chance to check settings, review and learn.
he club owns lighting equipment and other photographic equipment, which members can use either at a practical evening or hire for a nominal fee. Just by being at the meetings listening, looking and questioning will help your knowledge.
Can I visit?
Guests and members of the public are invited to any two WPC evenings free of charge (to see if you like us) with an option to join – you will be invited to sign-in and be assured of a warm welcome - we look forward to meeting you at this friendly club.
NB: Children and young persons are welcome, but must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Whickham Community Centre is wheelchair friendly. Whickham Photographic Club, Whickham Community Centre, Front Street, Whickham, NE164JL Affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) through the Northern Counties Photographic Federation (NCPF).