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Volunteer roles within Gateshead Children Centres can be adapted to suit the individual knowledge, skills and experience of a volunteer. We will also consider their interests and ambitions for the future.
Gateshead Children Centres provide a place for families with children under the age of 5 years old to socialise with other families. We deliver services which support children's development and we also offer advice and support to parents/carers.
Children Centre volunteers will support activity workers, parent outreach workers and our partners to deliver one or more of the following activities and services:
- Toy library
- play time
- trike time
- toy time
- holiday activities & events
- soft play & bouncy castle
- childminders
- foster carers
- baby time
- toddler time
- time together
- stay & play
- baby massage
- caring for children
- lets start learning
- well child clinics
- weaning sessions
- bosom buddies
- pre-school sensory group
- parent & toddler group
- Cedars Academy Sensory Group
- care leavers & children
- events - international day of the Midwife/Maternity Voices Partnership
Volunteers are needed to help support the delivery of the group sessions.
Volunteers will need to be able to:
- sign families in & out of the children centre
- ensure information is stored in a safe place
Volunteers will be provided with:
- an in-depth induction on the building and the general housekeeping
- an opportunity to become involved in the design of children centres activities as well as the delivery.