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Picture of a mug of coffee.


weekly on Tuesday, starting from Tuesday, April 5, 2022 - 10:30am, forever
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Contact Person

Kerry Hiles-Garratt

Venue Address

1 Hall Terrace
Bill Quay
Gateshead NE10 0TT
United Kingdom

54.957773653098, -1.5355744

We have a regular coffee morning every Tuesday morning from 10.30am until 12.30

This is open to everyone who has been affected by cancer, that can be the patient, their family, friends or carers,all are welcome!

This gives an opportunity for an informal chat in a relaxed environment with like minded people, our support team will be on hand if you need someone to talk to. This is a lovely way to meet other people and make friends.

Tea, coffee soft drinks and lots of nice snacks available for a suggested donation of £1.00

All sessions are held here at Pride Media Centre, or at Bill Quay Cricket Club, 1 Hall Terrace, Bill Quay, Gateshead. NE10 0TT.

Please contact us to check location!

Please feel free to just drop in (bring a friend if you don't want to come on your own) or you can get more information by contacting us on 0191 4420833 or email info@fact-cancersupport.co.uk

We look forward to seeing you there.


Suggested donation of £1.00
Areas covered