Organisation Address

Gateshead Council
Gateshead Civic Centre
United Kingdom

54.9592493, -1.6029172

When you decide it's time to stop smoking, we will help you find the services and support that are right  for you

Did you know?
  • after the age of 35, stopping smoking gains you 4 to 6 hours of healthy life for every day you don't smoke
  • 80% of smokers who stop report feeling happier than when they were smoking
  • within one day of stopping smoking, levels of the toxic gas carbon monoxide reduce to the levels found in non-smokers
  • within four weeks of stopping smoking your skin complexion will improve
  • the average smoker will save £70 a week when they stop

Visit our Better Health Gateshead: Smokefree Gateshead page to find further support inculding useful apps and tools 


Areas covered