Contact Person

Phil Waldram

Organisation Address

Muddy Monsters
Saltwell Park
Joicey Road
United Kingdom

54.9441308, -1.6047572923049

Muddy Monsters is a fun filled, messy, muddy activity group for fun loving children under 5 years old. Sessions run in blocks of 5 classes and take place outdoors exploring local woodland and outdoor spaces. Adventures are organised and delivered by a trained Early Years teacher, with the aim of increasing children's knowledge of the outside world within a safer environment. Varied, exciting and creative activities capture the children's imagination with the aim of improving personal development.

Each week children are taken on an adventure with a different Muddy Monster character to explore, investigate and discover the outside world. Let your children explore nature and learn through play, find an adventure starting near you today! Sessions last one hour and follow a similar routine each week to engage the children fully. Sessions include a wide range of outdoor activities to challenge, stimulate and involve all children.

All resources and equipment needed for activities will be provided, additionally a Muddy Monsters kit can be purchased to encourage more Muddy Monster fun between sessions. To enjoy the sessions fully, children must be warm and dry. A warm insulated coat, waterproof trousers or puddle suit and wellies are recommended. Adults need to remember to wrap up warm too.

All sessions will be entirely outside so hats, scarfs and gloves may be needed on colder days. Due to the nature of the activities (and as our name suggests) children may get muddy and dirty, however we believe that is all part of the fun and the learning process!

Each session is planned and delivered in line with a Nursery/Reception class, introducing children to the structures and routines they may encounter during their academic life. There will be times the children will be encouraged to play and explore, other times the older children will be required to listen and respond with adult support, giving a gentle introduction to school life.


Areas covered