Organisation Address
United Kingdom
54.9625789, -1.6019294
Gateshead Making Every Contact Count (MECC)
Gateshead Making Every Contact Count (MECC) aims to give you and your organisation the skills you need to engage more effectively with the people you meet. We know that simply ‘telling’ people what to do is not the best way to get them to change their habits and improve their wellbeing. It’s how you interact with them – that’s what MECC is all about.
The role of Gateshead MECC meetings is to provide an opportunity for peer support, sharing of practice, update training and meeting space to each of the MECC partners organisations, services, businesses, VCS, NHS Trusts, and individuals across Gateshead. We call this our Gateshead MECC family, and we would like to give you the opportunity to join in our Gateshead MECC family meetings
Our Objectives are :
- To understand local health inequalities and how MECC can contribute to addressing these.
- To consider ways MECC can increase its diversity and inclusion abilities.
- to provide a forum for sharing information about Gateshead services and activities
- To share good practice
- To collaborate and work together
- To offer peer support and a safe space to explore ideas, issues, barriers and solutions.
We meet monthly on the first Wednesday of each month via Microsoft teams where we have a range of guest speakers and share information and ideas and issues.
If you would be interested in becoming part of Gateshead MECC please contact us on