Organisation Address
Low Fell Library
710A Durham Road
United Kingdom
54.925814, -1.5945008
Low Fell Library is a well used local community library on the corner of Durham Road and Chowdene Bank, with an up to date stock of books, public access computers, photocipier and games, and are part of Gateshead's 'Warm Spaces' network.
Our opening hours are: Monday: 9.30 am to 5pm Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 9.30am to 5pm Wednesdays 9.30am to 1pm, Saturdays 9.30am to 12.30pm (Closed Sundays). For Christmas & New Year opening hours please check our website.
The library is run by a group of volunteers (Low Fell Library Association) working with Gateshead Council to provide the service at Low Fell Library. The Council are continuing to provide the building, books and computers, and the library association's volunteers are running the service.
We run regular Rhyme Time sessions for pre-school children and usually have activity sessions for primary school children most school holiday weeks.
For up-to-date details of activities and events, please take a look at our own website at
We aim to provide a good standard of service to our community, and have plenty of scope for additional volunteers to join us and help us continue this much appreciated service. If you are interested in helping please let us know - induction and training for the library systems will be provided.
Low Fell Library Association is a registered charity (charity number 1153726).