Contact Person

Joanne Norman

Organisation Address

6 Norfolk Street
United Kingdom

54.9071984, -1.3784047

Groundwork North East is an environmental organisation and a registered charity operating locally. Groundwork North East is an environmental organisation and a registered charity operating locally. We offer a portfolio of programmes and activities focused around the environment.  Groundwork North East helps people and organisations make changes in order to create better neighbourhoods, to build skills and job prospects, and to live and work in a greener way. We know that the important issues are all connected – so our work can’t easily be placed in boxes marked 'environmental issues’, 'regeneration', 'employment' or 'health'. We create projects and services that benefit both people and the wider environment. We operate across the North East and work on hundreds of individual projects each year. We focus our activity on disadvantaged communities where we can make the most difference. Groundwork North East creates real change. That means carrying out work locally and regionally across the following programmes: Children and young people                                         Employment and skills  Green economy   Health and wellbeing      Land and Neighbourhoods    Property and Assets  We work alongside other organisations – ranging from the smallest community group to multinational businesses. We're all about helping others create change through working together and solving problems. Sarah Knox and Joanne Morely work across the whole borough of Gateshead on projects supporting community groups, schools and local charitable organisations.  We may be able to offer opportunities to get involved in projects in your area. Please see our website ( or contact Sarah or Joanne directly for more information.  

Areas covered