Contact Person
Organisation Address
Elgin Womans Group
Elgin Centre
United Kingdom
54.9476055, -1.5847916
The Elgin Women’s Group is an informal group within the local community which provides an opportunity for women to meet and take part in educational, health, recreational and leisure time activities identified by women themselves. Where Elgin Women’s Group support activities that are additional to the regular Women’s Group such as a Lunch Club or day trip men will be made welcome. We are based at the Elgin Centre Elgin Road Carr Hill Gateshead.
We get together on Thursday evenings at 6:00pm until 8:00pm we are at the moment considering buying some light circuits equipment, or looking into the local history of our area. We are looking at other things we can do i.e.: Arts and crafts etc. or card making We also have nights out for a meal or theatre / cinema if you would like to come and join us and have an idea for a project or require further information please ring Kath on 4203921 or Lynda on 4404037