Contact Person

Jacqui Sordy

Organisation Address

Duckpool Pre-School CIC
St Mary's School
Duckpool Lane
Wickham North
NE16 4HB
United Kingdom

54.946579051771, -1.6685719026172

At St Mary’s, we work with two longstanding partners offering outstanding childcare provision and wrap-around care for children from the age of 3.

Duckpool Pre-School CIC

Duckpool Pre-School is an Ofsted-rated ‘Outstanding’ (2024) pre-school provision which operates from 8:50am – 2:50pm Monday to Friday.

The pre-school operates a traditional school, year (September to July) and takes children within their pre-school year (the year in which they turn 4).

Parents/carers can use their full 15 or 30 hour childcare entitlement with us.

Registration of interest is recommended as from the earliest opportunity.

Please contact our pre-school manager, Jacqui Sordy, for more information:

Telephone – 0191 4881137 Email –