Contact Person

Claire Taylor

Organisation Address

Connected Voice Advocacy
One Strawberry Lane
Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom

54.974666168263, -1.6194084553179

Connected Voice Advocacyprovides a wide range of advocacy services which promote social inclusion, equality and social justice. They have enabled us to meet the diverse and complex needs of people in vulnerable circumstances across the region. 

Advocacy is about amplifying your voice, representing you and ensuring your rights are upheld. An Advocate will help you explore your options, make decisions and support you to speak up for yourself to say what you want. 

Watch our films Voices of Advocacy and Fighting for your Rights to see how Advocates can support you. Find out more about how we support people who use our services. 

Statutory AdvocacyPlease visit our Spot Contract Advocacy page to learn more and to make a referral. 

  • Independent Mental Health Act Advocate (IMHA) supports people subject to a Mental Health Act section around their care and treatment, ensuring their rights are upheld. Referrals must be made by the person on a section, their relative or their clinician. 
  • Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) helps people who lack capacity, and do not have friends or relatives to support them, to make certain important decisions. Referrals must be made by a Social Worker or Health Professional. 
  • Independent Care Act Advocate (ICAA) supports people’s involvement in care and support assessment, planning and review and safeguarding processes. Referrals must be made by a Social Worker or Safeguarding Team. 
  • Relevant Person’s Representative ensures that the rights of people being deprived of their liberty under the Mental Capacity Act Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards are protected. Referrals must be made by a Gateshead Social DoLS team. 

We also provide statutory advocacy on a bespoke contract basis. For more information go to Contract Advocacy 

Health and Care Advocacy supports adults across the North East, primarily in Gateshead and Newcastle, who need support with health and social care issues. If you belong to any of the following groups we may be able to help you speak up for yourself, find out about your rights, make decisions and choices or get services or support: 

  • Ethnically marginalised communities 
  • Mental health needs or Learning Disabilities 
  • Physical Disabilities 
  • Over 55 years old 
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and/or Transgender 
  • Refugees and Asylum Seeker 

Help Through Crisis provides support to families in crisis in Newcastle. 

Hate Crime Advocacy supports people across Northumberland, Tyne and Wear who have experienced or are at risk of hate crime. 

DIY Advocate® is our online tool to work through problems. It is an app to organise your problem step by step, think about your options, make decisions, get more information and make an action plan. It gives you tools to make your voice heard and have your rights upheld. It helps you get the services you need. 

To make a referral to any of our services for you or someone else 


We are proud winners of National Advocacy Awards - Outstanding Contribution to Equality and Diversity 2023 & Outstanding Service 2022 and 2018 

Areas covered