Contact Person
Organisation Address
Changing Lives @ Oaktrees Newcastle
Changing Lives
1st Floor, 1 Carliol Square
United Kingdom
54.972606290117, -1.608169883279
Oaktrees is a 12-week, structured, abstinence-based programme for people who wish to be free from drugs or alcohol. It is open to people aged 18+. The programme follows the principles of the 12-step approach to recovery and includes one to- one counselling, group therapy, meetings, and workshops for developing life skills.
To complement the programme, and to build a supportive network outside of treatment, participants are required to attend three mutual aid meetings a week whilst in treatment. People who successfully complete the full time programme are supported by the staff team for up to a year and have access to an Employability Coach who can help with employment, volunteering and educational opportunities. They can also attend a weekly continuing care group and once again benefit from peer support.
The programme is non-residential - we offer day treatment. This offers the chance for people to manage their own lives on a daily basis whilst getting support for any difficulties from staff and peers. This is of particular benefit to people with children.
Since opening in 2009, Oaktrees has helped hundreds of clients get into recovery from drug and alcohol abuse and go on to live a life free from addiction.
If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us. T: 0191 273 8891