Contact Person
Organisation Address
Bowes Belles WI
Wrekenton Methodist Community Church
Springwell Avenue
United Kingdom
54.924825587158, -1.5740075610885
Ladies, ever thought about joining the WI? Then why not come along to Bowes Belles WI to see what we're all about! We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7pm at Wrekenton Methodist Community Church. Our next meeting is on Tuesday 8th January 2019 Visitors can attend up to 3 meetings for £4 per meeting before subscribing to be a full member (£42.00 per year, pro-rata on a quarterly basis for new members). We are open and always welcome new members. If you haven't been to Bowes Belles before, we offer a warm welcome to all women, giving them the opportunity to make new friends, learn new skills and above all, have fun! You're also welcome to bring friends along (ladies only!).